Impact Report for Hope’s Therapy Dogs
Steve Dixon
Development Manager
Kirkby Collaborative of Schools
I am writing in my capacity as development manager for the Kirkby Collaborative of Schools, twelve primary and two secondary schools in Kirkby, Merseyside.
Our schools reside in some of the most deprived wards in England based on the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index. Our families face many challenges in their lives and we look for creative solutions to meet the challenges and address the emotional needs of the children. Hope’s Therapy Dogs provides one of those solutions.
On a personal level, I have met regularly with Alison to provide support in accessing the schools, and how we as a Collaborative can strengthen our relationship with Hope’s Therapy Dogs.
We have also discussed the role of dogs in schools and in particular the role of therapy dogs. I am very much in agreement with Alison that in order to be effective both a dog and its handler need training and support. Just bringing a dog into school is not an appropriate or effective way of supporting children with their mental health and well-being.
Alison is a dedicated professional who has made a massive investment in her company and in the schools she and her colleagues work in. I have witnessed this first-hand at Eastcroft Park where my office is based. The success of the work of Alison and Hope’s Therapy Dogs in supporting so many of our children and families here in Kirkby is also a fitting tribute to Alison’s daughter Hope.
Alison and her team have worked in five of our Kirkby schools. I have outlined below some of the recent impacts from four of the schools.
“My year group (Y6) have been lucky enough to experience Hope’s Therapy Dogs this year. Catherine and her lovely pup Lola have helped six different children from my class alone this year who are facing their own challenges, such as navigating bereavement, family break ups and trauma. My pupils look forward to their sessions and come back feeling refreshed; like a weight has been lifted.
Personally, I have also experienced the kindness and support from Catherine and Lola. We have loved our time with Hope’s Therapy Dogs and look forward to working together to support even more pupils in the future!
Thank you to all of the team for all they do.”
“Ali and her therapy dogs, Pippa, Stella and Elsa have been coming into Northwood Community Primary School for the last 2 years and are very much part of our school community. Ali and her dogs have taken part in whole school assemblies, worked in classes and worked 1-1 with many children.
The dogs are so well trained and obedient and Ali is a highly skilled therapist who knows the needs of all of the children she works with. The impact has been incredible and the children and staff look forward to them coming in twice a week.”
“Catherine and Lola have worked with pupils in our school that wouldn’t usually be able to access support due to the severity of the needs of other pupils making our ‘waiting list’ too long. However since bringing in Hope’s Therapy Dogs we have been able to give support to children who need support due to bereavement, anxiety, family breakdown or transition worries.
There has been a notable change in the confidence and happiness of every one of these pupils. A highlight of my week is when the pupils walk along the corridor past my office holding Lola’s lead and interacting with Catherine. I watch them grow in confidence as the weeks progress. I see them change in their interactions and note how much value each session has for each child whatever their own needs.
One family in particular has benefitted greatly from the interaction with Catherine and Lola. Historically a very hard to reach family, unwilling to engage with external services and the children usually very guarded around adults. I now see happy, engaged children who are thriving at home and in school due to the chance to engage with Hope’s Therapy dogs.”
“We have witnessed such a positive impact on our children since working alongside Alison, Catherine and the dogs. The children love seeing Lola, the dog and look forward to their sessions every week. They are much more confident after their sessions and are so happy too.”