Lola's Pawsome Adventure at DogFest!

To celebrate Lolas 6th Birthday earlier in the week, she was treated to a day out to DogFest 2023 at Tatton Park in Cheshire and she had the most amazing day.

From the moment she arrived, she could sense it was going to be a fun day, barking excitedly, eager to get out of the car.

As we approached the array of tents, she couldn't quite believe her eyes at all of the dogs who were also there and luckily, they all wanted to say hello too (sniffing bottoms is obligatory in the dog world). We have never seen so many different breeds of dogs all in one place, from the smallest chihuahua to the biggest Great Dane - Lola probably assumed they were all there for her Birthday!

After wandering around a small selection of the many stalls and sniffing out the variety of goods on offer from dog treats to homewares to walking accessories to clothing for humans and dogs, Lola decided it was time to watch the Agility Dogs show off their incredible skills. The speed they are able to get around the course with such precision was incredible. Lola watched on in awe, thinking how she could recreate the course when she has the zoomies at home.

Lola also stopped to watch a few of her new dog friends try some of the other have-a-go activities on offer; she really enjoyed the fly ball and the hay-bale races (with variable results which was so funny to watch).

Unfortunately the queue to try the Splash Pool was too long but it was still fun watching the daredevil dogs diving in and the more timid pups growing in confidence with each little doggy paddle. We will definitely make sure Lola gets a go next year as swimming is one of her favourite hobbies.

Although impressed by the energy and athleticism on offer, Lola decided she was perhaps more suited to the 'Super Spaniel Show' led by Channel 4's Chloe Fuller. Everyone was blown away by the Spaniels who showed how incredibly hard they worked as Assistant Dogs; undressing their handler, unloading a washing machine, picking shopping up from a shelf, alerting the handler to alarms, and (Lola's favourite part) how they were so adept to offering therapeutic care. It was clear that Lola was very proud of her fellow Spaniels.

After a short sit down in the shade for a much needed drink and lolly ice, water loving Lola obviously found the paddling pools - she definitely has a sixth sense for water! We were so grateful there were extra provisions dotted around for the dogs as it was so warm. Lola loved splashing around with her new pals and cooling down with the hose pipe. She was then reenergised enough to sniff out the ball pit where she was determined to try and sneak one of those little pink balls out in her mouth!

Before it was time to head back home, Lola was able to choose a special tasty treat for being such a well behaved girl. This was the trickiest decision for Lola as there were stalls upon stalls filled with delicious doggy treats (so Lola tells me as I've never actually tasted a chicken foot or pigs ear!). After popping in and out and sneakily testing what was on offer, she settled on a simple biscuit coated in doggy safe icing - she's always had a sweet tooth!

As a bonus treat to share with the children at school, she also picked some new bubbles to play with in her sessions. This time her chosen flavours were Strawberry & Cream and Roast Chicken...luckily she didn't fancy the Liver & Onion ones! 

All in all, Lola had a Pawsome day at Dogfest. It was tremendous fun from start to finish and it was so great to have the opportunity to speak to experts about food, nutrition, grooming, harnesses and leads and so much more. I have certainly learned a lot which will help me to keep Lola fit, healthy and happy.

We will definitely be attending next year's Dogfest...but for now, Lola is snoozing and dreaming of her incredible day.


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