Reflections from Hope's Therapy Dogs

Words by our very own Catherine

As the end of the school year arrives, we at Hope's Therapy Dogs would like to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we've had throughout the year. With our team of dedicated therapy dogs, we have had the honor of working in numerous schools, bringing joy, comfort, and support to countless children and staff members. With tails wagging and hearts full, we eagerly anticipate the new school year, as we welcome Nicola and Teddy to our team and embark on new adventures in even more schools.

Bringing Joy to Schools:

Throughout the year, our therapy dogs have become beloved members of the schools we've visited. Their friendly and gentle nature has brought smiles, comfort and laughter to the faces of many children, brightening their days and creating a warm and welcoming environment. Whether it was calming anxiety, being a listening ear, or providing emotional support, our dogs have made a positive impact on the lives of so many children. It goes without saying that Pippa, Stella, Elsa and Lola have found immense joy in their work throughout the year; their wagging tails, gentle licks, and playful energy have been a source of happiness for everyone they've encountered. Their unwavering love and loyalty have made them true ambassadors of compassion and empathy, and their impact on the schools they've visited cannot be overstated.

Supporting Staff Members:

We are proud to have supported not only the children but also the hardworking staff members in the schools we've visited. Our therapy dogs have been there to provide a much-needed respite amidst the hectic nature of day to day school life. From a quick cuddle in the corridor to a friendly presence on the playground, our dogs have helped alleviate stress and create a positive atmosphere for teachers, assistants and office staff.

Welcoming Nicola and Teddy:

As we bid farewell to the current academic year, we are thrilled to introduce two new members to our team - Nicola and her adorable therapy dog Teddy. With their calm and caring personalities and special skills (Nicola is a very talented artist), we are confident that they will bring even more love and comfort to the children and staff members. The addition of Nicola and Teddy marks an exciting new chapter for Hope's Therapy Dogs, as we expand our reach and continue to make a difference in the lives of those we meet.

Hello to New Schools:

Looking ahead to the new school year, we are excited to extend our pawprints to new schools. We are excited about the possibilities and the opportunity to create lasting bonds with students, staff, and communities. The trust that schools have placed in us is a testament to the positive impact our therapy dogs have made, and we are honored to have the chance to bring comfort, happiness, and support to even more individuals.

New chapter just beginning:

As we reflect on the past year, we are filled with gratitude for the incredible experiences we've had as part of Hope's Therapy Dogs. The smiles, laughter, and heartfelt connections we've witnessed have reminded us of the power of unconditional love and the healing potential of animal-assisted therapy. With Nicola and Teddy joining our team and new schools on the horizon, we eagerly look forward to continuing our mission of making a positive difference in the lives of children everywhere. 

Together, through Hope's Therapy Dogs, we can create a world where HOPE and healing are within everyone's reach...with a helping paw of course! 


Our 2023 Summer Newsletter!


Spreading Hope in the community