Lesson 8:2 Establishing Effective Record-Keeping Systems in AAI

Welcome to the discussion area for Lesson 8:2! This lesson highlights the importance of establishing effective record-keeping systems in Animal Assisted Interventions. Accurate and well-organised documentation is essential for capturing key details, tracking client progress, and ensuring accountability throughout the intervention process.

This is your opportunity to connect with the course community—share your experiences, ask questions, and exchange insights. Collaborative learning can enhance your ability to implement these practices effectively. Consider reflecting on these questions:

  1. What do you find most challenging about documenting and evaluating client progress in Animal Assisted Interventions?

  2. Which tool or strategy from this lesson stood out to you as particularly useful? How do you envision applying it to your work? Have you got any suggestion you could share with your fellow Animal Assisted Therapists?

Let’s learn and grow together through meaningful discussions!


Lesson 8:1 Establishing Effective Record-Keeping Systems in AAI